What Tree?

Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Following on from last month's What Tree we found it only right that we take a closer look at the Dawn Redwood. Up until the mid forties it was thought that this species was extinct, known only from Mesozoic Era fossil samples. Sixty million...

Swamp Cypress (Taxodium distichum) This month we are learning more about the swamp cypress. This is a large, slow-growing and long-living tree, which as the name suggests grows well in wet or water-logged areas. Native to the southeastern United States, it thrives in the UK and...

Silver Birch (Betula Pendula) This month we are taking a closer look at the striking and easily recognisable Silver Birch. Native across most of Europe, it is commonly found throughout the UK and owes its name to the silvery-white peeling bark on its trunk. [caption id="attachment_1105" align="alignnone"...

 Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Although Christmas is over, given that last month we focused on the Nordmann Fir, it is only fair that we share details of the second most popular Christmas tree, the Norway Spruce. Origins and Traditions The Norway Spruce originated from the mountainous regions of...

Nordmann Fir (Abies nordmannian) Of course, with Christmas fast approaching like the Polar Express Train, we thought this month’s What Tree should be a traditional Christmas Tree, the Nordmann Fir Tree (Abies nordmannian). This tree holds the secret that gardeners, groundsmen and Christmas tree shoppers look for....

Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) The Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) and Christmas go hand in hand with the nuts being a seasonal favourite, and is the species that has been awarded the 2023 Tree of the Year. This deciduous tree can live for a very long time -...

Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) This month we focus on a tree that needs little introduction. Nearly everyone recognises the iconic leaves of this tree species, and a lot of people have fond memories of playing, foraging or climbing oak trees. If you’re not lucky enough to...

Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) This month we focus on one of our favourite native broadleaves. A species of tree that many of you will have appreciated as you go about your day-to-day activities as it is the third most common tree in the UK, but...

Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) As most of you will already know, this is one of the largest trees on the planet, with the oldest known sequoia being over 3,000 years old. The tree originates from the western side of America and mountain ranges of Sierra Nevada in...

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) This species was introduced to the UK in the 17th century and is native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia. Norway maple is commonly planted in urban areas, but can also be used in woodland and hedgerow planting mixes too. The Latin...