06 Feb Tree of the month
This month we are celebrating a 'tree of life', a majestic evergreen conifer which can live for over a thousand years! When the foliage is crushed, it emits a sweet smell of pineapple or peardrops...
This month we are celebrating a 'tree of life', a majestic evergreen conifer which can live for over a thousand years! When the foliage is crushed, it emits a sweet smell of pineapple or peardrops...
Tree Frontiers were part of a wider team involved in the redevelopment of Bloxham School's Dewey Sports Centre. Planning permission has recently been granted for the extension of the existing building, as well as the addition of new tennis/netball courts, floodlighting and parking. Read about...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI6QIKuFwd0&feature=youtu.be Oxford City Council have voted in favour of plans for the redevelopment of land lying between Oxpens Road and the railway line in central Oxford. This important development proposes to bring major regeneration to this previously disused brownfield site, incorporating new homes, commercial space and...
From the team here, we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please note that our office will be closed from 20th December to 6th January. If there is anything urgent during this period please email: info@treefrontiers.com...
Tree Frontiers were part of a wider team involved in the redevelopment of Oxford High Preparatory School. Following our concerns regarding damage to the rooting environment of a prominent tree, the team was able to utilise our expertise and alter the proposed plans in order...
This month we are cheating slightly and not featuring a tree, but rather a seasonal favourite which has a reputation for being harmful to trees - a reputation which is completely undeserved. Find out why here! What Tree? Ivy - Tree Frontiers...
This month's tree is the 'King of the Forest', capable of surviving for centuries and acting as the cornerstone of the ecosystems it inhabits. It has a defining stalkless feature from which it gets its name, can you guess what it is? What Tree...
Tree Frontiers were appointed by Eton College to develop a management plan for the horse chestnut avenue that runs along the footpath at Boveney Lock. Read about how our input has allowed them to begin work re-establishing this important visual feature and natural habitat. Tree Frontiers...
Last month we ran the Oxford Half Marathon. Thank you to everyone that sponsored us. We exceeded our target, raising a total of £1,175 for Tiny Forests. This small endeavour recreates natural forest environments in urban settings, providing all the environmental benefits that these ecosystems generate as...
Tree Frontiers were approached by a private client who was seeking advice regarding the health and general condition of three trees located within her garden. We carried out an advanced tree condition assessment in order to provide the client with a long-term management strategy for...