Driven by our core value of sustainable tree management, we offer practical and deliverable advice on how best to manage trees as assets to a development site, rather than constraints that limit development potential.
Many Local Planning Authorities are developing sophisticated planning policies with a sustainability ethos at its heart. This is driven by the UK government’s commitment to environmental gains and sustainability, outlined in the 25 Year Environment Plan, and well as other plans that are continuously evolving and emerging. These are requiring increasingly co-ordinated approaches between many professional disciplines to ensure that development schemes deliver as required. At Tree Frontiers, we have links with other professional disciplines and work closely with these teams to help deliver our clients projects.
Current best practice guidance for the relationship between trees and development is provided by BS5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. Working closely with other members of a development team, we can undertake all of the stages required to successfully deliver a development scheme in relation to trees: